The 8th floor tall buidling has four floor occupied by a seemingly benign “restaurant” or at least that is what they are register as. Nothing suspicisious right? What if I told you that building double as a SEX PARLOR!! Yo that sound lit! Apparently there are reportedly “sketchy” businesses inside Daesung building. So basically Daesung has bought himself a big ole building (which is I guess an ok investment…). Although nothing official yet, the least known member Daesung (which is a surprise because Seungri was about to be dropped from the group at the debutting stage) is under heat for an investment he allegedly owned.

We also got “Badman” Seungri got into trouble with all of his dick moves (figuratively and literally), and now finally another Big Bang member is under intense scrutiny. You got pot smoking TOP, uh I guess draft-break-taker G-Dragon.

Oh crud, it seems like Big Bang can’t stay out of the headlines for like a week or something.